Linux & MacOS
I have been an keen user and advocate of linux from 1994 when I installed my first linux system "Ygdrassil Linux", I then moved to SLS Linux and eventually found my way to Fedora, since then I have mainly used Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise or Centos, and dabbled in Ubuntu and Debian.
I from 1994 till 2013 I used linux as my primary desktop system, only running windows applications in a VM as required.
Now I use a MacbookPro as a base machine and Linux or Windows VM's as required under VMWare Fusion or Parallel's
My Current linux varieties are Centos 6 and Centos 7, Ubuntu, with an old reference RedHat 6 Enterprise VM
The Windows VM is a full Windows 10 edition for use with SQL Server, Visual Studio
Linux based solutions that I have been involved with have enabled stable business critical processes to operate with little or no maintenance for many years (Examples include a data integration solution between a client's ERP solution and supplier backend solution which has been running for almost 15 years with little downtime). A Linux Web based portal solution running a PostgreSQL database (operating for 17 Years).
Docker Containers
Investigating the use of Docker Containers for development work with
- Python (Flask)
- Perl
- PostgreSQL
- Wordpress.